VTEX Intelligent Search

Give your business an AI-boost with VTEX Intelligent Search.

Increase conversion rates with an advanced search engine that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to understand shopper intent and return relevant search results.

Boost conversions

Boost conversions

Make it easy for shoppers to find what they are looking for with personalized search experiences and dynamically created navigation pages.

Reduce manual merchandising

Reduce manual merchandising

Implement and fine-tune search results or create strategies for specific merchandising scenarios.

Gain visibility and control

Gain visibility and control

Influence how the AI behaves to deliver the best possible results for your business.

Streamline paths to purchase.

Guided Search

Our AI-powered algorithms deliver autocomplete, spell-check, synonyms, and even suggest terms and products instantly, while the customer interacts with the search bar.

Spot-on navigation pages

Help customers drill down to find the products they are looking for. Define, rename, and reorganize facetable attributes, such as size, color, brand, price and more.

Boost content-indexing and SEO

Our indexing APIs and built-in crawler automatically index the right content, while smart canonical URLs guarantee the best SEO performance.

+30% - Search-originated revenue share +30% Search-originated revenue share
+25% - Sessions of search results +25% Sessions of search results
+2,2% - Store conversion rates +2,2% Store conversion rates

Results on your own terms.

Fine-tune relevance rules

Assign weight and prioritize attributes that can influence the search results ā€” such as bestsellers, products with discount, popularity, promotions, release dates, and more.

Context-driven merchandising

Promote specific products based on past and current user behavior by defining triggers – such as searched terms or applied filters – that will add, remove, or promote products, brands, or categories.

Add synonyms, redirects, and banners

Define specific word associations, create custom redirects, or even promote banners associated with specific words and filters.

Learn from all visitor behavior.

Keep track of most searched words and results

Extract reports of any search-related results, such as the number of searches, clicks, click-through rate, and conversion.

Have full visibility to the AI-powered results

AI shouldn’t be a black box. Using “explained search” you can test any term to understand what attributes are influencing its search results.

Give your business an AI-boost with VTEX Intelligent Search.

VTEX Intelligent Search is plug n’ play and with no additional costs for clients on VTEX IO. Request access now.

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